Supporting others with dependency issues
Try to meet people where they are at.
- It’s ok not to know everything about drugs / ask questions to help, learn together
- Try to create a safe, empathic and understanding space. Create a space where listening is a priority rather than talking
- Be aware of your own biases / manage your feelings and emotions on the topic
- Responses should be person lead – what worked for you, or another person may not be the right decision for this person
- Does the person want support? What do they want right now – ask!
- Provide the options, but the person will have to make their own choice
- Respect decisions, develop rapport and encourage the person to return
- People may be defensive at first
- Ask open-ended questions
- Show you are listening, reflect what they have said: “You mentioned that you were finding it hard to study the next day…”
- Provide reassurance “I understand.”
More information
- See our information on how to identify concerns, but remember that each person is different
- Get tips on active listening skills and asking open ended questions from
- Suggest the DUDIT online self assessment to help them identify where they are at with their drug use
- Suggest the AUDIT online self assessment to help them identfy where they are at with their alcohol use
- Self help advice for those who want to change their use is available here
- Find a local support service
- Get overdose information
- Download 'Alcohol and Drugs A Parents Guide' for parents who want to discuss substance use with a young person
- The Family Support Network offer support for to families impacted by a loved ones substance use
- The HSE Helpline is available Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm on free phone 1800 459 459 or email