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European Web Survey on Drugs 2024

European Web Survey on Drugs 2024

New EU Web Survey on drugs will capture drug use trends and inform harm reduction needs in Ireland

Do you use drugs? How many, and why? These are some of the questions asked in the European Web Survey on Drugs, launched in partnership by the HSE, the Health Research Board (HRB) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) to find out about drug use trends across Europe.

The anonymous survey aims to engage with people aged 18 and over and asks about the types of drugs they use, why and how they use them. It will provide valuable insight into drug trends and the diverse groups of people who now use drugs in Ireland, including the use of newer drugs to the market.

The survey opens for Irish participation for a 6 week period starting (Wednesday, 22 May 2024). The final results will be used to inform EU and Irish reports as well as the development of harm reduction responses in Ireland. Coordinated by the EMCDDA, 36 countries will be taking part in this year’s survey to capture the most current landscape and to compare trends across regions.

What is this research about?

The research will compare patterns of drug use across Europe, and will provide a greater understanding of how often people use different types of drugs, how they take them, the amounts they use, and the cost of drug use to you. It is hoped that this information will be used to guide future policy and to help form harm reduction and treatment responses.

Can I take part?

You are invited to take part if you: are aged 18 or over, live in Ireland, and have used drugs (cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine, amphetamine, including methamphetamine and/or any new psychoactive substances ‘NPS’) at least once in the past 12 months.

Irish modules

In addition to the standard questions which will be asked across European countries, there will be a specific section for people who live in Ireland. The focus of the Irish sections will be on

What will happen to the information I give?

Any information that you provide will be anonymous. We will not be asking you to provide any personal information that identifies who you are although there are a few broad questions about your general situation (age, sex, and country where you currently live). IP addresses will not be saved during any part of this survey. The survey is being hosted by EU Survey who are fully GDPR compliant.

Share your experiences and take part in the 2024 survey here


2021 survey

Stakeholder information

Information and support



Posted by on 05/01 at 08:10 PM in
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