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Crisscross pilot launches in Ireland




As part of the HSE Safer Nightlife Programme, the HSE National Social Inclusion Office is participating in a pilot EU project ‘Crisscross’ alongside agencies from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Luxembourg.

The Crisscross project aims to respond to a number of intersectional issues relating to gender, behaviours and substance use in nightlife settings. The project aims to address gender-based violence in nightlife, leisure and socialization venues frequented young adults (18-24 years old) through the design, testing and evaluation of innovative pilots, with the aim to raise awareness, change attitudes and prevent GBV behaviours -including LGBTIphobia- linked to sexual violence and substance use.

The project will involve:

Crisscross training programme for professionals working with young people

This training spans 40 hours, organised into four blocks subdivided into thematic areas

The training will include sessions from academics in Dublin City University, The HSE National Social Inclusion Office, SAOR trainers, the UCC Bystander Intervention Programme, NUIG Ask Consent, HIV Ireland Mpower, The National Youth Council of Ireland, HSE LGBTI awareness and Domestic and Gender Based Violence Training.
Training sessions will start on May 30th and training will be delivered throughout the summer until August. If you are interested in participating, please contact 

Crisscross resources

Posted by on 04/24 at 09:50 AM in
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