
28th June 2011
DIT research shows renewed efforts needed to tackle sale of illegal ‘headshop drugs’ onlineRenewed efforts are needed to tackle the sale of illegal ‘headshop drugs’ on the internet, according to new research undertaken by DIT.
27th June 2011
Renewed efforts needed to tackle sale of illegal ‘headshop drugs’ onlineRenewed efforts are needed to tackle the sale of illegal ‘headshop drugs’ on the internet, according to new research from the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD).
12th May 2011
Customs seize 34kg of head shop drugsCustoms seized 34kg of banned head shop drugs last year, mainly in the post.
12th May 2011
Medical problems caused by ‘legal highs’ continuePeople continue to present to hospitals with serious medical and psychiatric problems from former “legal highs” despite the crackdown on head shops, according to a respected doctor.
13th April 2011
New laws will counter second wave of legal highsThe Department of Health has drawn up further legislation to outlaw a new wave of “head shop” drugs which are hitting the Irish market.
17th March 2011
Shock over sale of head shop drugs on InternetBrazen drug pushers are targeting Wexford youths by selling banned head shop drugs on the Internet.
17th January 2011
Loophole allows head shops to sell cannabis ‘grow kits’A number of so-called head shops have begun selling equipment that can be used to cultivate cannabis plants – and thanks to a loophole in recently introduced legislation they cannot be prosecuted for the practice.
13th December 2010
Ban on drugs is failing, expert warnsThe seizure of more than €1m worth of head-shop drugs at the weekend shows the demand for once-legal highs hasn’t diminished, according to a leading expert.
9th October 2010
All but 19 head shops closed in crackdownA Government crackdown on head shops selling psychoactive substances appears to have been a success with only 19 now in operation, according to garda figures.
1st October 2010
Man died after taking head shop drugA man died after consuming the head shop drug MDPV, which has a similar effect to cocaine, but is 20 to 30 times more potent.