Friday 27th July World Hepatitis Day Event
Venue: St Agatha’s Hall, Dunne Street, Dublin 1
Registration: 10:30 am (Free Fibroscan and holistic treatments are available from this time)
This Hepatitis C event is for anyone who needs to know more about Hep C. It is open to professionals, people with Hep C, people thinking about treatment, people wondering if they have Hep C, people who have finished treatment… in other words, anyone!
The SAOL Project works with women in recovery and has particular interest in Hepatitis. They are based at 58 Amiens Street, Dublin 1.
All SAOL manuals, including the Hep C manual and Hep C Stories are free to download from the SAOL website.
World Hepatitis Day Event
Information tables will also be at the venue, including Chrysalis Project, HIV Ireland, PHNs, the Mater Hospital, Smith’s Pharmacy, UISCE and SAOL.
11:00 am: Welcome by Gary Broderick –Director of SAOL and Jennifer Mooney, Hepatitis C Case Worker, SAOL
11:10 am: Eileen O’Connor – Mater Hospital, Testing and New Treatments
11:20 am: Personal Stories of Treatment (SAOL)
- Importance of getting tested
-Personal Story of new treatment
- Importance of Aftercare post treatment
11:30 am: IC2 Hep C Peer Training Certificate awards
- Women’s Group – Ballyfermot Star
- Aftercare – SAOL Project
- BRIO – SAOL Project
12:00 pm: Music and Lunch (a light lunch will be available).
Free Fibroscan
Fibro scanning (which checks the health of your liver) will be conducted by nurses from the Mater Hospital
Free Holistic Treatments
- Head massage
- Hand massage
- Foot Massage
- Reflexology
- Acupuncture
Source: SAOL Project