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Workshop on ‘The Impact of Alcohol on Self-harm’

Donegal Town Family Resource Centre will host a workshop on ‘The Impact of Alcohol on Self-harm.’

The two-day course will run on May 15 & 16 and is part of a wider ongoing programme by the North West Alcohol Forum (NWAF).

The aim is to enable participants to gain more knowledge, understanding and confidence in working with issues of alcohol and self-harm. It will explore the person behind the issues and provide theories and strategies for identifying and helping those at risk.

Anne Timony-Meehan is a Community Mobilisaton Officer with NWAF. She said: “Alcohol was a factor in 41% of cases of self-harm in the North West region in 2002. 47% of male suicides in the North West were alcohol related. 33% of female suicides were alcohol related.

“The Alcohol in Europe Report 2006 states of Irish young people that 32% of 15 - 16 year-olds had been binge drinking 3 or more times in the previous month. This is the worst in Europe.”


Source: Donegal democrat, 9/05/12

Posted by drugsdotie on 05/10 at 08:52 AM in
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