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Why politicians should back new drink-driving law

Politicians must put aside local pressures, behave like statesman and stateswomen giving consideration to the common good and back tougher drink-driving laws, says Noel Clancy, a road safety campaigner, whose wife and daughter died in December 2015.

Changing the law
I have a question for those rural TDs lining up to use their role as public representatives to fight against changing the law so all drink-drivers get a ban. How many loved ones do we need to lose at the hands of drink-drivers to satisfy you? Is it five? Or 10? Perhaps 15? You tell me.

And how many horrific, lifelong injuries do we need to see people sustain before you accept that drink-driving is unacceptable?

What these rural TDs are opposed to is a plan by Minister for Transport Shane Ross to change the law so all those detected over the limit have to spend a period off the roads.


Source: Noel Clancy, The Irish Times, 13/03/17 

Posted by on 03/13 at 10:02 AM in
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