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Why banning alcohol advertising for young people is the right move

A new opinion poll, commissioned by Alcohol Health Alliance Ireland from polling company Ireland Thinks, demonstrates that 82 per cent of the public support the view that alcohol marketing which appeals to young people should be prohibited.

This overwhelming support was consistently held across individuals of all party preferences. Our poll findings highlight yet again that public opinion is ahead of sectoral interests and their lobbyists.

Over recent days, we have witnessed the power of the drinks industry as they swamped the pages of our national and regional media with spurious claims of a “threat” to local community arts and cultural events, and “decimated” advertising revenue to the media industry. This is a tactic to combat proposed, government-led, public health legislation to tackle the wide-ranging harm caused by alcohol in Ireland.

The Public Health (Alcohol) Bill, contains a range of measures designed to work together to reduce alcohol consumption in Ireland so lessening alcohol-related harms. Implemented together, they will provide a reasonable, pragmatic means to achieving the ambition of a progressive public health policy.

For the record, there are no provisions within the Public Health Alcohol Bill to prohibit alcohol products’ sponsorship of arts or cultural events, or nor will there be a ban on alcohol advertising.

Read more....

Source: Frank Murray, The Irish Times, 17/07/17  

Posted by on 07/17 at 09:02 AM in
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