Invitation to Tender for Drug & Alcohol Community based Family Support Post for the Western Region.
The Western Region Drugs Task Force (WRDTF) invites tenders from Community Based Organisations/Agencies (Project Promoter) to tender to host a Drug & Alcohol Family Support project.
One of the key recommendations of the National Drugs Strategy 2001-2008 was the establishment of Regional Drugs Task Forces throughout Ireland. The Western Region Drugs Task Force was established in May 2003 and its geographical boundaries cover Co. Galway, Mayo & Roscommon. Its function is to research, develop and implement, using a partnership approach, a coordinated, regionally-appropriate response to substance misuse.
As part of its function the Western Region Drugs Task Force funds specific Substance Misuse Projects to carry out the work of the National Drugs Strategy (interim) 2009-2016 & Regional Substance Misuse Strategic plan. Families and Family Support are named under both the prevention and treatment actions within the NDS and within the WRDTF second Strategic Plan 2011-2014 for this reason the WRDTF is committed to funding Community Family Support Initiatives within the region.
Source:, 19/05/2011