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We need to take a legislative stand on behalf of the voiceless

Make it illegal says John Crown

THE reasons for banning smoking in cars when children are present can be neatly summarised as follows. nSecondhand and side-stream smoke is dangerous, and particularly dangerous for children; nSmoking in cars produces uniquely high environmental concentrations of dangerous chemicals; nSome people who know these facts continue to smoke in cars with children.

For these reasons, when Seanad Éireann comes back into session next week, I, together with the support of my colleagues, senators Mark Daly and Jillian van Turnhout, will introduce a bill to the House which would make it an offence to smoke in a car where children are present.

The legislation will take the effect of a simple amendment to the current ban on smoking in all workplaces. Gardaí will be responsible for enforcement.


Source: John Crown, Irish Examiner, 12/04/2012

Posted by Andy on 04/12 at 09:04 AM in
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