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We can’t raise prices to stem alcohol abuse

Taxes on drink are 'too important' to struggling economy.

Ireland can't afford to increase the price of drink to stem alcohol abuse and will have to wait until the economy picks up, an international research firm has forecast.

Business Monitor International (BMI), one of the leading independent suppliers of raw data and forecasts to the multinationals and financial institutions, suggests that the Government can't overlook the importance of alcohol taxes to our overall budget.

Michael Noonan recently revealed in the Dail that revenue from alcohol in Ireland has already fallen off a cliff -- down from €1.13bn in 2007 to €826m in 2010, the equivalent of a 27 per cent drop.



Source: Jerome Reilly, Irish Independent, 04/03/2012


Posted by Andy on 03/05 at 09:58 AM in
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