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Was ‘responsible drinking’ campaign harmful to public health?

A study analysing drinks company Diageo’s controversial ‘Stop Out of Control Drinking’ (SOOCD) campaign in Ireland has found that its promotion of “responsible drinking” could actually undermine public health.

The campaign, launched in Ireland last year, stated that it was designed to “change the country’s culture of drinking for the better,” and make out-of-control drinking “socially unacceptable”.

However, new research published in the journal PLOS ONE by experts in the UK and Ireland including Prof Ivan Perry, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCC, analysed newspaper articles, media interviews and social media activity relating to the campaign, and concluded that it lacked independence from Diageo, and presented problems with alcohol, and policy solutions, that were unfavourable to public health.


Source: Irish Medical Times, 05/10/16

Posted by on 10/06 at 08:56 AM in
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