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Warning over head shop drug

Health authorities have issued a warning about a head shop product called Whack, which has led to severe and difficult to treat psychosis in users.

Over the past 10 days, 40 reports have been received by the National Poisons Information Centre of people suffering "severe adverse reactions" to the head shop chemical.

"The majority of these individuals are young males in their 20s and they live in different parts of Ireland," a spokesperson for the HSE said. Twenty patients have been treated in the mid-western region. The HSE spokesperson said those affected have suffered "a range of symptoms", including increased heart and breathing rates and raised blood pressure.

"Emergency physicians and GPs have described the majority as suffering from differing levels of anxiety, with at least seven cases experiencing psychotic episodes. This psychosis is severe and is proving difficult to treat."

Anyone trying Whack can expect the substance to have a significant impact on their health, the HSE warned.

Dr James Reilly, Fine Gael spokesman on health, said: "I have been calling for the Government to stop these drugs before they hit the shelves by insisting on Food Safety Authority of Ireland or Irish Medicines Board approval of any item for consumption. They have turned a deaf ear to my warnings, which I am sad to say are now coming to pass."

"It is not good enough for the HSE to advise people not to take the drug," said Dr Reilly.

In May, the Government introduced legislation banning 200 substances on sale in head shops.

Source: Dan Collins, The Irish Examiner, 10/06/10

Posted by Andy on 06/10 at 08:15 AM in
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