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Varadkar urged to make his position clear on alcohol awareness campaign

Health Minister Leo Varadkar should "unequivocally" say whether he supports a drinks industry-funded alcohol awareness campaign after claims the initiative is a "smokescreen" to take the political focus away from wider legal reforms.

Independent senator and former Children’s Rights Alliance CEO Jillian van Turnhout said it is vital Mr Varadkar makes his position clear, due to an escalating row over the Diageo-backed Stop Out-Of-Control Drinking campaign.

Ms van Turnhout accused the drinks firm of setting up and funding the campaign in February simply to take the focus away from potential legal changes which the Oireachtas began discussing earlier this year.

She said it is no coincidence the initiative emerged at the same time as Ireland “finally” started to look at introducing minimum pricing, marketing, alcohol promotion, and alcohol availability through the Public Health Alcohol Bill, which could damage the multi-million euro industry.

A campaign spokesperson rejected the comments, insisting that while the initiative was set up and funded by the drinks firm, 11 of the 12 board members are entirely independent.

However, Ms van Turnhout said the firm’s involvement is highly questionable, and that Mr Varadkar must make his position clear.

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Source: Irish Examiner, 18/03/2015

Posted by Andy on 03/18 at 09:57 AM in
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