Uruguay has approved pioneering legislation legalising marijuana, becoming the first nation in the world to oversee the production and sale of the drug.
After a 12-hour debate, 16 leftist senators out of 29 lawmakers have voted in favour of the legislation championed by President Jose Mujica, who must now sign it into law.
Outside the Senate, hundreds of cannabis-smoking supporters set off fireworks in what they dubbed “the last march with illegal marijuana”.
“The war against drugs has failed,” said Senator Roberto Conde as he presented the bill on behalf of the ruling leftist Broad Front, calling it an “unavoidable response” to that failure.
“It is an historic day. Uruguay is now on the international forefront of this issue,” said ruling party senator Alberto Couriel.
The bill passed the lower house of Congress in August and was assured of approval because the ruling coalition controls both chambers.
Source: thejournal.ie, 11/12/2013