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UK: Drug users have been warned of a fatal batch of heroin

A fatal batch of heroin that has claimed the lives of two men nearly killed another victim, police said as they again warned drug users to take care.

The woman was taken seriously ill on Friday in the Portsmouth area after using the class-A drug.

A member of the public called an ambulance and the woman was taken to hospital.

It is believed she may have died if she had not been treated.

Detective Inspector Christopher Parry, of Portsmouth CID, said: "Protecting the community remains our priority during this investigation into stopping the supply of this batch of heroin. Police are particularly grateful to drugs intervention workers and counsellors for delivering advice to some of the most vulnerable people in our communities."

The two people died in the Portsmouth area this week and others have been taken ill.


Source: Belfast Telegraph, 04/05/2013

Posted by Andy on 05/04 at 09:32 PM in
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