The 3e TV channel has been rapped for breaching the voluntary code limiting the exposure of young people to alcohol advertising.
Owned by TV3, the channel showed two alcohol advertisements in a half-hour period before 6pm which has an under-18s viewership of 28.2pc. The code, introduced in 2002, sets a maximum limit of 25pc.
The annual report of the Department of Health's monitoring body said the breach occurred "due to a misunderstanding of how the code applied".
Breaches in cinemas by Carlton Screen Advertising were also found where the under-18s audience profile was higher than it should be, according to the monitoring report covering 2011.
'Paranormal Activity', the 'New Three Days' and 'The Way' were the films involved.
The monitoring body also found two retail advertisements broadcast during "family breakfast time" on radio contained a reference to alcohol.
Source: Eilish O'Regan, Irish Times, 12/03/13