Date: Monday, April 15th 2013
Time: 10.00 am – 4.00pm
Venue: SWRDATF: Block A, Maudlins Hall, Dublin Rd, Naas
Trainer: Denis O'Driscoll BSc (Pharm), MPSI, PhD
Dr Denis O’Driscoll is Chief Pharmacist in Addiction Services at the HSE (former SWA). He has worked within this region for the last ten years, where his remit is to interface between community pharmacists and addiction services by providing information, advice and encouragement within the methadone protocol. Within this context, he also provides training in addiction to voluntary and statutory agencies, and is a certified trainer in Steroid use.
This training is aimed at workers and agencies who have contact and work with people who engage in steroid use.
Key areas
- What are Steroids - history of steroids, why people start to use them, the range of different substances used, how they are used?
- What are the Main Risks/Harms – examination of some of the known and surmised physical and psychological effects and side-effects?
- Harm Reduction with Steroid Users – what are the key issues, the key harm reduction messages and how do we deliver them?
To book a place: Please contact; South Western Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force, on 045 848538or by emailing Lorraine
Please note: A limited number of places are available. Early booking is advised