Some people were shocked, others nodded in a knowing manner when the news filtered through that there had been three local deaths last week and all of the deceased were heroin addicts.
Everyone is saddened and everyone is concerned. Something has to be done they say. There is a need for more services for addicts. There needs to be something done to combat the dealers.
Drugs use is notoriously linked to poverty-stricken and disadvantaged areas and unfortunately, it is the people with least that seem to suffer most from the consequences of drug taking. We are all asking the same questions. In many cases the dealers are known to the Gardai but they are still roaming freely on our street wreaking havoc on the youth of Kilkenny. Why are they not in jail? Many of these dealers are not even addicts themselves — they know better than to become addicted. They see the results every day, the deaths and the distraught families that are left to pick up the pieces.
Source: Kilkenny Advertiser,18/02/2011