Eighty per cent of motorists say those who repeatedly drink drive should have their vehicles seized and sold or scrapped, according to a poll by IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists).
Fifty per cent think that this should also happen to drivers several times over the limit.
The respondents were also behind reducing the drink-drive limit. Sixty-six per cent want to see the limit reduced.
Twenty-eight per cent think we should have a zero-tolerance policy.
Other findings include:
- Fifty-five per cent of poll respondents support a proportionate, graduated system of penalties, if the limit was reduced. For example, lower penalties would be given to drivers caught under the current limit, but above the new one.
- Almost half of respondents admit to having a drink while driving, within the current limit.
- Seventy-nine per cent say a decrease in the limit wouldn’t affect their enjoyment of an evening out. Nineteen per cent said it would.
- Eighty four per cent said a reduction in the limit wouldn’t change their plans to go out.
Source: Declan O'Byrne, Cork Independent, 02/08/12
Posted by drugsdotie on 08/02 at 09:35 AM in
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