In early May, a ‘normal Irish drinker’ undertook a minor social experiment: to give up drink for a month and write about it. Now it’s over. So is she getting drunk tonight?
When you give up a vice, even temporarily, you secretly think that both you and the world will be remade. It is disappointing to find that you are still the same idiot you always were.
But so it has proved, even after almost five weeks off the drink: the one-woman social experiment I have been writing about this past month. It is amazing how rude, late and downright dumb one can manage to be while sober.
I also feel that that the lack of drama has let people down slightly. Friends – even nondrinking friends – suggested a manufactured lapse, a little alcoholic slip, just for the sake of diversion. No, I don’t know how I ended up with these people either.
I won’t say that I made things up exactly, but the answers were surprising, even to me.
Source: Ann Marie Hourihane, The Irish Times, 31/05/2014