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That’s Men: Older people need to be vigilant about turning to alcohol

The older and allegedly wiser shake their heads at the sight of young people falling about on the street from the effects of too much drink.

Yet it is entirely possible that there is more dangerous drinking going on in the homes of the old than in the haunts of the young.

I was struck by a recent finding that alcohol-related deaths are falling in the UK – except among older people. In 2012, there was a slight fall in deaths related to drinking across all age groups. But deaths among men aged 75 and older were up by 18 per cent and among women by 12 per cent.

Moreover, the highest rates of alcohol use as measured by drinking for five or more days of the week are found among people aged 65 and over, according to Age UK, as reported in The Guardian.

In Ireland, “there is evidence that alcohol misuse is increasing in people over the age of 65”, says the Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland.

Why? It isn’t just a matter of problem drinkers getting old as you might expect. That’s part of it but “emotional, social, medical and practical problems can lead to late-onset alcoholism”.

That means this could happen to any of us. Old age can bring its share of depression, regrets, fear of the future, loneliness, pain and poverty. That’s not all it brings, of course, and not to everybody. Nonetheless, certain aspects of getting older – retirement or the death of a spouse for instance – bring emotional upheaval to the door of many who were never really prepared for it.

Ever-ready companion

And all the stuff and nonsense about people starting second careers or going off to climb Mount Everest when they’re 70 may increase the sense of isolation of those hit by waves of loss or pain. And in that isolation, alcohol can be an ever-ready companion.

Worse, the problem may go unspotted by doctors because of similarities between alcoholism symptoms and other conditions. A possible drink problem is unlikely to be the first thing on the mind of a GP who has known a patient for many years without any previous issue with alcohol.


Source: Padraig O’Morain, Irish Times, 04/03/14

Posted by drugsdotie on 03/04 at 09:44 AM in
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