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Tender for the delivery of clinical psychology services across the midlands region

The Ana Liffey Drug Project (ALDP) provides a low-threshold harm reduction drugs service to under 18s and adults in the Midlands region.

This service is provided Monday-Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm.  We dedicate one day to each of the following counties; Westmeath, Laois, Offaly and Longford.  This service includes the provision of case management, key-working and dedicated Family Therapy and Clinical Psychology services.

We are now seeking applications from interested parties to provide Clinical Psychology services for four days per week to both under 18s and adults experiencing problem substance use issues.

This service is to be provided in conjunction with ALDP’s policies and procedures across the Midlands Regions and will be based in different locations on different days.  Applications are welcomed from private practitioners from whom we can purchase clinical psychology services to be delivered throughout the Midlands region.

Interested parties can request an application pack by emailing Jessica Hayden, Business Manager at  or by ringing 01 878 6899.

Questions on the tendering process can be submitted similarly until 17th February 2012.  Completed applications must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 24th February 2012.

The assessment panel will sit on the week commencing 27th February 2012 and may request tendering parties to complete a presentation on their business plan and application.

Posted by Andy on 02/07 at 04:14 PM in
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