The Government is hastening slowly in confronting the issue of widespread alcohol abuse. Draft legislation, published last Thursday, is unlikely to take effect for 12 months. By that time, Ministers may - or may not - have dealt with the issue of sports sponsorship by the drinks industry. Their political hesitancy may reflect a reluctance to challenge the electorate in its comfort zone.
The unfortunate reality is that more than half of all Irish people engage in harmful alcohol consumption, while nearly one-third participate in weekly binge drinking. Tackling that level of abuse through higher prices and new controls is necessary. But it will not be popular with many of those affected and dissatisfaction could influence voting intentions. That reality may have encouraged the last government to cut excise duty on alcohol by 20 per cent in its 2010 budget.
You could paper ministerial offices with the number of official reports that have identified the damage caused to individuals and families through excessive drinking, with consequential costs for the health services and the economy. The failure of political nerve in asking the public to confront its demons, while bowing to pressure from sports bodies, publicans and the drinks industry is regrettable. That, however, does not diminish the personal responsibility of many adults to review their drinking habits because of the bad example being given to young people.
Source: The Irish Times, 28/10/2013