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Sports needs alcohol sponsorship ‘to survive’, Dail Committee warned

Government investment in sport has shrunk from €311m in 2008 to just €54m this year, meaning the loss of alcohol sponsorship would be very damaging, a Dail Committee heard today.

The Federation of Irish Sport said that funding by the Irish Sports Council had also been cut from €57.6m in 2008 to just under €43m in 2013, a cut of 25pc.

This decline had been matched by increased pressure on other revenue streams such as membership, ticket prices and sponsorship, said Sarah O'Connor, chief executive of the federation which represents over 100 sports bodies.

She was speaking to the Oireachtas Committee on Tourism and Sport, which was discussing a proposed ban on alcohol sponsorship of sporting events as part of efforts to tackle problem drinking in Ireland.

"Any policy such as the one under discussion, which impacts sport's existing and future private funding will gravely impact all sports' ability to sustain themselves financially," said Ms O'Connor.


Source: Aideen Sheehan, Irish Independent, 24/04/13

Posted by drugsdotie on 04/24 at 02:38 PM in
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