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Sport ‘will suffer’ from alcohol sponsorship ban

A proposed ban on alcohol sponsorship will have a “detrimental effect” on Irish sport, an umbrella organisation has told an Oireachtas committee.

Running legend and senator Eamonn Coghlan said sport was being left “hung out to dry” under the plans, while fellow committee member Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan said alcohol sponsorship had a “corrosive” effect on sport.

The Oireachtas Transport Committee was told by the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland that the €30m-€40m it spent on sports and events sponsorship per year resulted in a €500m boost to local economies.

The Federation of Irish Sport, representing 100 organisations, told members there was “no alternative” to the €35m spent by the drinks industry on sports sponsorship every year.

Chief executive Sarah O’Connor said State funding had fallen from €311m in 2008 to €54m this year. “Irish sport is firmly of the view that a ban on alcohol sponsorship will have a detrimental effect on Irish sport.” Ms O’Connor said 40,000 jobs were supported by the sports industry and that sporting events brought in some €850m in tourism receipts.


Source: Cormac O'Keeffe, Irish Examiner, 25/04/13

Posted by drugsdotie on 04/25 at 08:55 AM in
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