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Sligo alcohol harm reduction strategy launched

The Sligo Healthy Ireland project in conjunction with the North West Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force (NWRDATF) has developed an alcohol related harm reduction strategy for Sligo City.

The Sligo City Alcohol Strategy 2018 – 2023 initiative was launched yesterday in Sligo County Council Offices, Riverside,

The support from the number and range of individuals, groups and organisations in the development of this strategy within the Community, Voluntary and Statutory sectors is a reflection of the strong desire to be proactive around an issue that is problematic across the island of Ireland.

The NWRDATF stated that there is "no doubt that we need to reduce overall alcohol consumption levels – an approach which is supported by international evidence.  Furthermore, we welcome the inclusion of alcohol in the new National Drug Strategy ‘Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery – A health led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017 -2025’ and consider its inclusion as critical to an effective response to combatting alcohol misuse in our society."

This five-year strategy will target the key areas of: prevention; supply, access and availability; screening, treatment and support services; research, monitoring and evaluation.


Source: Sligo Today, 22/03/18 

Posted by on 03/23 at 11:44 AM in
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