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Role of drink in self-harming revealed

One in six boys aged 10 to 14 had been drinking alcohol when they self-harmed, figures reveal.

The involvement of alcohol at the time the self-harm occurred increased to almost 44% for men aged between 25 and 29.

Among girls aged 10 to 14, just over 11% had consumed alcohol when they self-harmed. For women aged 25 to 29, alcohol was involved in almost 40% of cases.
The National Suicide Research Foundation chose to publish the figures before Christmas to highlight that alcohol was a crucial factor in self-harm among young people.

Director of research Ella Arensman said the study showed the need to increase alcohol awareness among pre-adolescent children.



Source: Evelyn Ring, Irish Examiner, 19/12/2011

Posted by Andy on 12/19 at 09:46 AM in
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