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Refund scheme for alcohol containers ‘could reduce illegal dumping’

A refund deposit scheme for alcohol containers would help reduce illegal rubbish dumping, a councillor has said.

Labour Party councillor Thomas Redmond from Athy has called for the introduction of a refund system on alcohol containers – cans and bottles – which he said would “end the scourge of dumping”.


Redmond told that he was inspired by similar schemes in place in European countries, such as Germany. People can return their bottles or cans to a specific centre or location and will receive a small amount of cash in return.

Redmond said that a recent litter clean-up by locals of the river walkway in the town of Athy produced in excess of 2,000 cans and bottles. He said that following this, people approached him to see if more can be done about littering in the Kildare town.

He believes a refund deposit scheme, or tax on the alcohol containers, could work to reduce this, and has received support from publicans in Athy.

Redmond said that in Germany, supermarkets offer the ability deposit cans or bottles using a machine which then refunds the cash. According to Redmond, it would cost around $10,000 for each machine, and he says at least one local publican is interested in purchasing one.

To introduce a refund deposit system, legislation would have to be brought in. “It wouldn’t take a lot to bring it in,” said Redmond. “The difference it would make would be substantial.”


Source: Aoife Barry,, 07/05/13

Posted by drugsdotie on 05/07 at 09:13 AM in
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