Recent changes in agency nurse arrangements have caused difficulties across health services in Ireland. Addiction services accessed by patients in/from North Inner City are affected.
Nursing services are continuing but capacity is under strain as available staff numbers are currently down. Nurses will provide services in relation some medication, dressings and any other service that is deemed an emergency by the Clinical Team.
Cooperation from NICDTF projects is requested to support patients in need of any of these services and to prevent increasing risks of any patients. There is also a need to ensure that frustration is minimised.
CITY CLINIC: To assist patients with contacting City Clinic, call Joan Deegan (8555310).
Nurse services are available Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th of March. A limited service will operate on Thurs. 17th (morning only). Nurse services may not be available on Friday 18th.
TRINITY COURT: Some assistance may also be required for those attending Trinity Court.
Contact Christine Murtagh (6488677).
MEWS & THOMPSON CENTRE: Available services at the Mews & the Thompson Centre are reduced.
We request your support in keeping patients safe by keeping NICDTF informed of any issues. If difficulties arise contact NICDTF (01-8366592 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 01-8366592 end_of_the_skype_highlighting) to let us know, as we will monitor the situation and liaise with HSE Addiction services.
Source: North Inner City Drugs Task Force, 16/03/2011