ub owners are drowning under a sea of regulation and a glut of cheap alcohol being sold in supermarkets.
Landlords are counting on a boom during Euro 2012 this summer to keep their heads above water.
The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (VFI) said research carried out among its members found that the introduction of minimum pricing for alcohol was the most important factor for the survival of the pub trade.
Speaking at the organisation’s annual conference in Kilkenny, incoming president Gerry Rafter said: "Publicans I represent from Dungarvan to Donegal have clearly expressed to me the urgency of reducing local authority rates, reducing red tape, and introducing a minimum price for alcohol."
He said consumer confidence was at "rock bottom" and urged the Government to take measures to stimulate spending and keep small and medium enterprises going.
Source: Cormac O’Keeffe, Irish Examiner, 16/05/12