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Political leaders urged to show ‘bravery’ to tackle drugs, homelessness

Greater “bravery” is needed from political leaders in tackling the drugs and homelessness crises, according to Tony Geoghegan, co-founder of Merchants Quay Ireland, the first voluntary drug treatment centre in the State.

Geoghegan, who steps down this month as chief executive of the organisation after 28 years, says these crises are “worse than ever” and that homeless single adults are being “left behind”.

He was speaking in advance of the publication on Friday of the charity’s 2017 annual review. It shows a 55 per cent increase in the number of people accessing its GP service last year and a 33 per cent increase in numbers in need of mental health supports.

“It is hard to be optimistic at the moment on housing,” Geoghegan told The Irish Times. “In particular I am worried about the lack of attention being given to homeless single adults. Many of them are among the most vulnerable in society. They have no supports and are at the bottom because they have more issues, like mental health and addiction.”

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Source: Kitty Holland, The Irish Times, 14/09/18 

Posted by on 09/14 at 10:00 AM in
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