Homelessness in Ireland is worse than ever with seven new cases recorded in the capital each day, a charity claimed.
The Peter McVerry Trust revealed a child as young as 13 was among the 3,500 people it supported last year.
Fr Peter McVerry, who founded the charity, accused Government of making the problem worse by not housing the most vulnerable during the boom years.
"After 30 years of working to eliminate homelessness, I believe the problem is now worse than ever, perhaps even out of control," he said.
"Homelessness is a political problem, it cannot be solved by charities alone.
"The problem of homelessness can only be solved by providing homes, with appropriate supports, for homeless people and that is primarily the responsibility of Government.
"The failure of Government to increase the stock of social housing to meet demand, even during the Celtic Tiger years, resulted in an increase in the number of homeless people from 2,500 in 1996 to over 5,000 today and rising, while the number of households waiting for social housing has increased from 25,000 in 1996 to over 100,000 today and rising."
In its annual report for 2012 the charity revealed:
:: over 3,500 people were supported in prevention, drug treatment, homeless and housing, and under 18s residential services.
:: 74% were aged between 18-35 and 80% were men.
:: 1,708 homeless people were given emergency accommodation.
:: 419 secured temporary accommodation.
:: an average seven new homeless cases were recorded each day, compared to three a day homed by the charity.
:: 20 children aged 18 or under were supported, including a 13-year-old.
:: 420 drug users were supported across three services, a 100% increase year on year.
:: 42 of 59 addicts successfully completed its methadone detox service.
:: more than 57,000 hot meals were provided.
:: it spent 7.3 million euro, including 2.7m euro raised and 4.6m euro in state funding.
Source: Irish Independent, 10/09/2013