Has the recent government ban on certain substances previously sold in Head Shops in Ireland eradicated the sale of pills and powders from these outlets? Recent research, and a visit to a head shop in Dublin City centre, would suggest otherwise...
Prior to the recent government ban on a range of substances sold in head shops in Ireland, the drugs.ie team came across a piece of research which set out to identify the constituents in a number of the best selling products available in Head Shops in Dublin. The results of this research, and an accompanying video interview with one of the researchers, are included in the latest drugs.ie feature; Research on Head Shop drugs in Dublin.
Leading on from this, the same group of researchers obtained a range of ‘post-ban’ substances from head shops in Dublin earlier this week. They have since conducted similar laboratory tests on these substances. One particular substance which appears to have caught their eye is ‘Naphyrone’.
Commenting on this latest research, Pierce Kavanagh from the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, School of Medicine, Trinity College says, “We've also done some synthesis work on naphyrone, which is actually covered by a patent. As with the previous research, we have begun the start of a ‘post-ban' ID poster. Although we must caution that this is a work in progress, it really should be made know that naphyrone is out there.”
After seeing the results of the research, and having obtained a copy of the researchers ‘post-ban’ ID poster, the drugs.ie team paid a visit to a head shop in Dublin city centre and found an array of powders, pills and smoke products available for sale.
Related links:
Post Ban ID Chart
Naphyrone Patent
Naphyrone Synthesis
Naphyrone research paper
Research on Head Shop drugs in Dublin