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Parents ‘want to keep heads down’ over drugs trade

Parents in a disadvantaged part of Dublin complain of an “underlying fear of intimidation or worse” in their community caused by an endemic drugs trade and anti-social behaviour.

New research found that many parents in Jobstown, west Tallaght, just want to “keep their head down” and not let the reality of drugs come into their home.

Research commissioned by Jobstown Assisting Drug Dependency found that four out of 10 parents surveyed were concerned about the drugs trade in the area, with half of parents saying they were “very concerned”.

A survey of 355 people conducted by Amárach Research found that 36% of them said drugs were the biggest problem in their area, making it the number one issue locally.

This was followed by anti-social behaviour or “groups of young men”, with 26% of people saying it was the biggest problem.

Around 13% said a lack of activities for children was the main problem.


Source: Cormac O'Keeffe, Irish Examiner, 11th November 2019

Be Smart Be Safe campaign

Posted by on 11/11 at 11:34 AM in
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