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Our teens drink less but parents fourth heaviest drinkers in OECD

Irish teenagers may be drinking less, but their parents are still among the heaviest drinkers in developed countries.

A new report by the OECD examining hazardous drinking has found that the number of Irish 15-year-olds experimenting with alcohol has dropped.

In 2010, 35pc of 15-year-olds had tried alcohol, compared with 43pc in 2002.

While alcohol consumption in Ireland has fallen slightly in recent years, we are still the fourth-largest consumer of alcohol per head of population among 40 countries surveyed by the OECD.

When it comes to heavy drinking we are behind only Estonia, Austria and France.

The Irish consumed an average of 11.6 litres of pure alcohol in 2012 - the equivalent of more than 100 bottles of wine or 200 litres of beer. This compares with an average across OECD countries of just over nine litres and a world average of just over six litres.

Preliminary estimates from the Revenue Commissioners indicate that last year saw a further slight fall to 11 litres per capita. However, we are still markedly ahead of other countries when it comes to alcohol use.


Source: Breda Heffernan, Irish Independent, 13/05/15

Posted by on 05/13 at 09:10 AM in
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