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One-in-four drug users at Irish festivals using laughing gas

The HSE has found that nitrous oxide is an emerging trend among young Irish festival-goers.

The gas is intended for use as an anaesthetic in dental practices or as a propellant in whipped-cream canisters.

However, due to its use in the catering industry, the gas can be bought in large quantities online with relative ease.

It is illegal to sell nitrous oxide for human consumption and it is also illegal to consume it under the Criminal Justice (Psychoactive Substances) Act 2010.

The gas is inhaled using a balloon, creating a short-lasting euphoria, but there are risks associated with its use.

People who use them are at risk of dying from suffocation and frequent use can lead to blood cell problems.

Fine Gael TD, Emer Higgins, has called for legislation to limit the sale of nitrous oxide.


Source: Evelyn Ring, Irish Examiner, 6th September 2020

More information on nitrous oxide can be found here


Posted by on 09/07 at 09:53 AM in
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