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Oireachtas alcohol report will tackle drink problem

Fine Gael Mayo TD, John O’Mahony, has said that the report on alcohol and drug misuse published by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children, “provides a blueprint on how we can tackle our national drink problem”.

“As a society, we cannot continue to ignore our chronic drink problem and the effects alcohol abuse is having on our health, our economy and our national wellbeing. This report, which is the culmination of three months of work by the committee, puts forward a series of recommendations on how we can tackle this problem head on.

“Reducing the consumption of alcohol can only be achieved by addressing pricing and availability. We are now in a situation in Ireland where cheap alcohol is widely available, with large retailers selling drink at below cost, displaying a total disregard for the impact this is having on society.


Source: Mayo Advertiser, 27/01/2012

Posted by Andy on 01/27 at 10:07 AM in
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