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NUIG pledge to take on ‘irresponsible’ Galway pubs

The NUI Galway authorities have pledged to object to the licences of city pubs who deliberately target students with low cost alcohol promotions after unofficial ‘Rag Week’ celebrations resulted in 41 arrests last week.

Although student leaders at both NUIG and GMIT voted overwhelmingly to ban Rag Week festivities this year, a minority of city pubs were accused of capitalising by organising all-day drinks promotions.

Gardaí were forced to clear one pub, the Hole in the Wall on Eyre Street, at 7pm last Tuesday amid health and safety concerns during a ‘Donegal Day’ event which began at 11am.

Later in the week, they were asked by staff to close down the Supermac’s premises in Eyre Square for some time after management expressed concerns that the premises had become overcrowded with student revellers.


Source: Ciaran Tierney, The Connacht Sentinal, 28/02/2012

Posted by Andy on 02/28 at 02:13 PM in
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