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NGOs resign from Health Forum

NGOs resign from Health Forum as European Commission ignores Member State and European Parliament calls for Alcohol Strategy.

Public Health NGOs, including Alcohol Action Ireland, have today resigned from the EU Alcohol and Health Forum, following the announcement by Commissioner  Andriukaitis that he has no plans to establish a new EU Alcohol Strategy.

The Commissioner’s decision goes against demands from Member States and the European Parliament for a new comprehensive Strategy to tackle alcohol harm in Europe.

Membership of the Forum, which is chaired by DG Sante, includes drinks industry representatives and public health NGOs. More than 20 health bodies, including Alcohol Action Ireland, Eurocare (European Alcohol Policy Alliance), EPHA (European Public  Health Alliance) and the CPME (Standing Committee of European Doctors) today tendered their collective resignation in an open letter to Commissioner Andriukaitis.

Signatories to the letter outline their “deep concerns” about the neglect of public health and the prioritisation of alcohol industry interests. These include:

  • The Commission is ignoring calls from the European Parliament and Member States to develop a new EU Alcohol Strategy.
  • The Commission plans to include alcohol within a wider framework for tackling chronic disease, which would fail to address many harms caused by alcohol to those other than the drinker, such as drink driving, domestic abuse and child sexual exploitation.
  • There is no evidence to show that the EU Alcohol and Health Forum has had any impact on public health.
  • The Forum was established to support the implementation of the previous EU Alcohol Strategy, which ended in 2012. With no new Strategy planned, membership of the Forum cannot be justified.


Source: Alcohol Action Ireland, 04/06/15

Posted by on 06/04 at 08:51 AM in
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