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New Cocaine Anonymous group in Dundalk

There's help for those who find themselves struggling with addictions in Dundalk, with the establishment of a new group – Cocaine Anonymous, also known as CA.

The group, which caters for people of all ages regardless whatever mind-altering substances they're addicted to, has been established in Dublin for about five years and can claim some considerable successes in terms of helping people get over their addictions and turn their lives around to such an extent that the former addicts are now the ones best placed to help others with similar problems.

Now, three men from Dublin have set up a CA group in Dundalk and want those who feel they want to break the addiction cycle to come to their meetings, which are held on Tuesday evenings in Muirhevnamor.


Source: The Argus, 08/02/2012

Posted by Andy on 02/08 at 02:03 PM in
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