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National Youth Media Awards competition tackles drugs issue

Young adults are being encouraged to write about issues such as club drugs and steroids as part of a revamped National Youth Media Awards.

Now in its fourth year, organisers have adopted a different tact to previous editions by creating age-specific topics that young people aged between 12-17 and 18-25 can engage with.

Entrants in the younger category, which is split between 12-14 and 15-17-year-olds, are asked to write about the risks of underage drinking and cannabis use, while those aged between 18-21 and 22-25 will grapple with the risks of club drugs and performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs).

Prizes ranging from €250 to €1,000 are on offer for the best videos, posters, articles and podcasts across the age ranges.

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Source: Ciarán D'Arcy, The Irish Times, 06/11/17 

Posted by on 11/06 at 03:30 PM in
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