The National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol (NACDA) has today published the Illicit Drug Markets in Ireland study. The study, commissioned by the NACDA and conducted by the Health Research Board (HRB), provides in-depth research and analysis on the various factors that influence the development of local drugs markets. It examines the nature, structure and organisation of illicit drug markets in Ireland; the impact of drug-dealing on local communities; and a study of current interventions against drug dealing.
The Chair of the NACDA, Professor Catherine Comiskey, said,
‘This research can help us devise the most effective use of public resources to tackle illicit drug dealing in Ireland. Through in-depth interviews with the Garda National Drugs Unit, public health specialists, drug treatment workers, family support groups, former and active drug users and sellers, and members of the public, this study provides evidence to inform a debate that is often characterised by vigorous opinion and emotive public discussion’.
Dr Johnny Connolly, lead author of the report from the HRB added,
‘Despite widespread concern about the societal impact of illicit drug markets and related crime, and the significant public resources invested in responding to the various harms associated with the trade in illicit drugs, there has been an almost total absence of in-depth research and analysis of this trade and of the nature and impact of such interventions. This research has sought to fill a significant knowledge gap in this important area of Irish drug policy.’
The researchers conclude that a number of key factors need to be taken into consideration in future policy responses:
- Future responses need to be premised on a pragmatic use and co-ordination of existing resources and the targeting of those resources at the most harmful aspects of drug markets,
- Not all drug markets are equally harmful. For example, some are more violent than others, some involve very young people and open markets cause more disruption to communities than closed ones,
- Law-enforcement interventions that focus on the particular harms associated with an individual market have the potential to have an impact on those harms and they may also lead to a more effective and economically viable use of public resources,
- Approaches that seek to divert problematic drug users into treatment, that prioritise local community perspectives, and those that occur in collaboration with community-based structures and all relevant agencies, are more likely to be sustainable over time and to win public support.
Professor Catherine Comiskey concluded, ‘Based on the findings in this report, the NACDA recommend firstly that at-risk youth involvement in gang formation and local drug markets needs to be addressed based on best practice. For example, we must assess research and evaluation programmes to establish the extent to which youth diversion initiatives, such as the Garda Youth Diversion Projects, are associated with a reduction in drug use among young people participating in these initiatives. Secondly, consideration should be given to the further development of systems to monitor changing drug trends in line with the EU Early Warning System and also the development of indicators to identify and measure drug supply activity and markets in line with EU proposals.’
Copies of the report are available to download free from the website
Read Illicit Drugs Market in Ireland - Executive Summary and Recommendations
Source: NACDA, 23/10/14