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Motivational Interviewing Training - Dublin and Cork

Motivational Interviewing Training - Dublin and Cork

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing is a client-centered approach that elicits behavioral changes by assisting individuals explore and resolve ambivalence. This approach is especially helpful with less motivated individuals. Research has shown this approach to be helpful with a wide spectrum of client populations and issues.

Introduction Course

Participants will acquire a solid base of M.I. Theory, explore M.I. spirit, investigate opening strategies, intervention traps, explore resistance, develop and integrate skills and techniques to progress competency. This workshop will benefit any professionals working with people where behavior change would be favorable.

Trainer: Brian Foley has worked in the addiction field for over 20 years and is Client Programmes Co-Ordinator for a Dublin based Addiction Service. He is involved in counselling, group work, supervision and training. Brian completed his Motivational Interviewing Training in Spain, in 1999, he facilitates the M.I Module of the Diploma in Community Drugs Work, U.C.D. and has provided numerous workshops on Addiction related issues. He is a member of the Irish Association of Alcohol and Addiction Counsellors and The Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers.
DUBLIN - February:

Venue: The Croke Park Hotel, Dublin
Date: Thurs 23rd & Fri 24th of February 2012. 10am – 5pm
Cost: €200    Payable by Bank Transfer or Cheque
Cheques payable to Brian Foley & posted to
18 The Park, Hunter’s Run, Clonee, Dublin 15.


Posted by Andy on 12/24 at 10:19 AM in
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