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More than 8,700 caught drink-driving so far this year

More than 8,700 people have been caught drink-driving so far this year.

The latest figures from the Gardaí show that most of the people caught under the influence were young men aged between 23 and 32. Late nights and early mornings on weekends are the most common time for drink-driving to occur.

Last year, the limit was lowered to 50 miligrams of alcohol per 100 mililitres of blood from 80 miligrams.

As a result there has been an increase in the number of people detected over the limit the morning after - particularly on Sunday mornings.

Gardaí say they will be clamping down on drink-driving this Christmas.

Assistant Commissioner Gerard Philips said: "We are telling people straight out that we are having a problem with the 23-to-32 age group…(and) we will be targeting those people.

"Through our analysis service, we can see the times and days where we are having problems. We will be targeting those times, and the chances of getting caught are increased."

The number of motorists arrested for drink-driving offences has more than halved since 2007. However, More than 22% of convicted motorists have committed two or more drink-driving offences.


Source: Irish Examiner, 13/12/12

Posted by drugsdotie on 12/13 at 02:44 PM in
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