She told the 'Sunday Independent' there was a "laissez-faire attitude" to drug dealing in colleges.
"I'm not talking about smoking weed, for instance. I'm talking about MDMA, ecstasy. They'll pop one, then they'll pop two or three and there are tragic consequences," she said.
"I've attended some students' funerals and, as a mother and a TD, it really concerns me.
"You don't expect in a higher education institution that there would be drugs freely available, but I have heard about drugs being sold within colleges.
"The last funeral I was at, I walked toward them to sympathise with them and the father and mother asked me to do something about the issue.
"Another mother wrote to me from Tipperary and said they wouldn't want anyone else to die."
Asked if she had a college-aged child who was taking drugs whether she would go to gardaí, she replied: "I would go to gardaí if I knew who was dealing drugs in that college.
"This is not about criminalising students who take drugs. It is about solving a problem.
"We've set up a rapid review.
Source: Niamh Lynch, Irish Independent, 20th August 2019