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Minister takes aim at council for rejecting plans for safe injection room

The proposed safe injection centre, consisting of seven injecting rooms, was planned for the basement of the Riverbank building at 13/14 Merchants Quay, Dublin 8.

The council turned down planning permission in July, citing a lack of a policing plan, concerns from residents and the impact it would have on the tourist industry.

Catherine Byrne, Minister of State with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy, called on the council to “get real” on what is a “life or death situation” at a conference to mark International Overdose Awareness Day.

"We're talking about people's lives, trying to save people and bring the most vulnerable into a medically supervised area where they can be protected"

The HSE, along with the Department of Health and Students Union of Ireland, held the event to remember those who have died or suffered permanent injury due to a drug overdose.


Source: Irish Examiner, 31st August 2019

Posted by on 09/02 at 09:37 AM in
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