Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, has today (12th March 2013) announced details of the allocation of €1 million to support the development of new youth cafés.
Details of the scheme are available on the Department of Children and Youth Affairs website where a link will be provided to the online application process.
Minister Fitzgerald stated: “The availability of these funds reinforce the Government’s commitment to the extension of quality youth café throughout the country, in particular noting the repeated emphasis that young people have placed on the need for safe, alcohol-free recreational facilities.”
Since taking office Minister Fitzgerald has already provided €700,000 in 2011 and 2012 for youth café developments.
The Minister recognises the achievements already made by many groups in establishing youth cafés in many parts of the country and she stated: “I am greatly encouraged by the quality of the projects that have already been grant aided under the previous Youth Café funding scheme."
The Youth Café Funding Scheme is concerned with promoting the structured development of new youth cafés around the country by giving support to local organisations and groups which are providing youth services. The criteria for the Scheme places a clear focus on both long term sustainability and service planning. The scheme will be administered by Pobal on behalf of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Source:, 13/03/13