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Minister Catherine Byrne announces additional funding for the National Drugs Strategy

The Minister of State with responsibility for Health Promotion and the National Drugs Strategy, Catherine Byrne TD, today announced additional funding of €1 million for implementation of the National Drugs Strategy; ‘Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery; a health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland, 2017-2025’.

The funding, which will be provided on an annual basis, will address the priorities set down in the Strategy including early harm reduction responses, emerging trends in substance misuse (including polydrug use and crack cocaine), and improving services for at-risk groups.

Minister Byrne said; “I am delighted to have secured this additional funding to tackle drug and alcohol misuse in our communities. It will complement enhancements in drug and alcohol treatment services relating to mental health and homelessness under the 2019 HSE National Service Plan.”

“I am committed to implementing an integrated public health response to substance misuse, with the twin aims of reducing harm and supporting recovery. Working in partnership with statutory, community and voluntary sectors is central to this response. I will shortly be consulting with our 24 Drug and Alcohol Task Forces and the HSE on how best to target the additional funding being announced today”.

Source, The Department of Health, 07/03/19

Posted by on 03/07 at 10:58 AM in
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