The Minister of State for Health Promotion and the National Drugs Strategy, Minister Catherine Byrne, has welcomed the publication of the 2020 HSE National Service Plan and additional funding of €1.2m in 2020 for homelessness and addiction services.
“Improving the health and wellbeing of those who experience social exclusion and drug addiction is a key priority for me in 2020.
“I welcome the significant expansion of addiction services for pregnant and post-natal women and their children, particularly those who are homeless. This delivers on key actions in the National Drugs Strategy; ‘Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery’.
“In 2020, the HSE will increase the number of drug and alcohol midwives from five to nine, thereby ensuring national coverage across all the maternity hospital networks. In addition, the HSE will establish a new 20 bed residential treatment service for homeless women and their children in the mid-west region, in partnership with Coolmine and Limerick City and County Council.
“The Service Plan will also increase the availability of community-based drug and alcohol services, including the provision of a new alcohol treatment service in the west in 2020.
“Following Cabinet approval in August of the Government Health Diversion Programme for people found in possession of drugs for personal use, the 2020 Service Plan will support the phased implementation of this new programme by providing a health screening and brief intervention following referral by An Garda Síochána.
“I am committed to working in partnership with the HSE and the community and voluntary sector to address the severe health inequalities experienced by people with problem drug and alcohol use, people who are homeless, refugees, asylum seekers and members of Traveller and Roma communities. In particular, I look forward to the implementation of a new Traveller health action plan next year, which is being developed together with the Traveller Community”.
Source: The Department of Health, 18/12/19